DECREPITAPH / Forgotten Scriptures - The Collection (CD)

DECREPITAPH / Forgotten Scriptures - The Collection (CD) - 500
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超遅重棺桶、ENCOFFINATIONを始めWOODEN STAKE、FATHER BEFOULED等々数々のバンドで活動するElektrokutionerによるオールドスクールデスメタル。 売切7インチ、スプリット7インチ音源と未発表リハ、ライブの全13曲収録のコレクションアルバム。

Track 1 is an unreleased rehearsal track.
Track 2 taken from the split 7" with ANATOMIA.
Track 3 taken from the split 7" with ETERNAL SOLSTICE.
Track 4 taken from the split 12" mLP with OFFAL.
Tracks 5 and 6 taken from the split 7" with ERODED.
Tracks 7-10 taken from the "Resurrecting and Rotting" 7".
Track 11 taken from the split 7" with MEATHOLE INFECTION.
Track 12 taken from the split 7" with FATHER BEFOULED.
Track 13 taken from a live show in Houston, Texas.