ANATOMIA x Asakusa Deathfest 2016

ANATOMIA x Asakusa Deathfest 2016


ANATOMIAはそのフットワークの軽さでも有名であり、デンマークのKill-Town Death Fest、テキサスのRites of Darkness、所属レーベル主催のフェスであるNuclear War Now! Festival、
そしてデンマーク・コペンハーゲン出身のオールドスクール集団 UNDERGANGとの1週間に渡るヨーロッパツアーに加え、インドや台湾などで数々のアジア公演を果たしている。


Voices from the crypts! 

Filthy, AUTOPSY-drenched ambient death metal or dismal slow death metal as they themselves call it, ANATOMIA is one of the most unique bands of all time. 
Originated from the Japanese death metal legend TRANSGRESSOR, suffice to say they very much have taken the sound further into the dark abyss. 
Their discordant tunes with edgy shredding in parts wrapped up by the deep growls have stole the guts of underground maniacs worldwide and the line-up change in 2012 brought on more brutality and sickness into their live performance.

The quartet, formerly a trio, have been actively playing shows in and outside Japan.
Previously highlighted performances were at Kill-Town Death Fest in Copenhagen, Rites of Darkness Fest in San Antonio, the third edition of Nuclear War Now! Festival in Berlin, and a week-long tour throughout Europe with Copenhell's unforgiving execretion, the UNDERGANG, followed by a series of shows in Asia such as in Bangalore and Taipei.

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss greets back with dirty, filthy death metal!