RUDE x Asakusa Deathfest 2016

RUDE x Asakusa Deathfest 2016

MORBID ANGELやDEATHを始めとする90年代初期フロリダデスメタルの系譜を忠実に踏襲しつつも、オランダのASPHYX / PESTILENCEに多大な影響を受けたバンド。
2013年のデモ音源発表直後より、デスメタル黎明期のサウンドを求めるファンから絶大な支持を得る。同年11月にはMORBID ANGELと共演、喝采を博し、翌年2014年にフルアルバム "Soul Recall" をリリース。
おどろおどろしいリフのセンスやダークな雰囲気はMORBID ANGEL直系、地を這うようなボーカルは時にAUTOPSYを感じさせるが、地下道を一気に駆け抜ける16分の刻みから飛龍の啼声の如しのびやかなソロの紡ぎあげるクライマックスは完全にRUDEオリジナル!

Next one up, please welcome RUDE from the Bay Area!
Though it is no secret that their sound is heavily influenced by the Dutch masters ASPHYX / PESTILENCE, they're essentially both the resurrection and the ascension of Floridian death metal flourished in the early '90s. 
RUDE released a five-track demo in 2013 which created a somewhat of cult following among the old-school maniacs. Sharing the stage with MORBID ANGEL the same year, they kept pushing their boundaries further and released their first full-length "Soul Recall" in 2014. 
Its grotesque riffage and dark atmosphere are a straight up MORBID ANGEL, and the vocals' crawling aggression seems AUTOPSY-drenched at times yet the sound feels even more resilient and tormented.
You're also fully rewarded when you expect something original about RUDE, the dynamic transitions throughout songs and their seamless 16th note attacks summoning a cry of dragon, breathing out that solos so lavishly executed!
The whole, robust basswork and the blastbeats riding out onto the slow parts are also something you can't quite ignore.
The surviving lineage will destroy us all!
